eJournal Hubungan Internasional

Fisip Universitas Mulawarman

Kerjasama Industri dan Infrastruktur Maritim antara Indonesia-Denmark 2015-2020 (Annisa Mawaddah)

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On: Jun 23, 2022 @ 8:27 AM

  • Judul artikel eJournal: Kerjasama Industri dan Infrastruktur Maritim antara Indonesia-Denmark 2015-2020
  • Pengarang (nama mhs): Annisa Mawaddah
  • Abstrak (max. 1600 huruf atau 250 kata): Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country has great potential for marine resources and services. But apart from that potential, Indonesia is faced with maritime problems such as weak maritime industry and infrastructure. If Indonesia can overcome these problems, it is not impossible that Indonesia can become the world’s maritime axis country. And to overcome that, cooperation between Indonesia and Danish is carried out. The results of this study show that the cooperation between Indonesia and Danish in the field of maritime industry and infrastructure is investment and technology transfer. Infrastructure cooperation carried out at Bitung Port is by investing in the construction of container depots and cold storage, but in its implementation there are obstacles because investors attract interest when there is a decrease in fish production in Bitung. Then in industrial cooperation conducted at PT. PAL Surabaya is in the form of Transfer of Technology (TOT) to build warships and is still in the process of being worked on.
  • Kata kunci (max. 80 huruf atau 10 kata): Indonesia, Danish, Maritime Industry, Maritime Infrastructure
  • NIM: 1502045012
  • Angkatan (tahun masuk, mis. 2009): 2015
  • Program Studi: Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Sumber tulisan: Skripsi
  • Pembimbing: Etha Pasan, S.IP, MA dan Aisyah, S.IP, MA
  • Nama eJournal: eJournal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Volume: 10
  • Nomor: 2
  • Tahun: 2022
  • File artikel eJournal (format .doc, max. 2 Mb): Jurnal_Annisa Mawaddah (06-23-22-08-27-15).doc (143 kB)
  • File artikel eJournal (format .PDF, max. 5 Mb): Jurnal_Annisa Mawaddah (06-23-22-08-27-15).pdf (263 kB)


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