eJournal Hubungan Internasional

Fisip Universitas Mulawarman


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On: Jan 26, 2021 @ 10:22 AM

  • Judul artikel eJournal: KEBIJAKAN KEAMANAN ENERGI DENMARK TAHUN 1976-2020
  • Pengarang (nama mhs): Angga Dwi Saputra
  • Abstrak (max. 1600 huruf atau 250 kata): This study aims to describe the implementation of Danish Energy Security Policy. This study uses the concept of energy security. لعبة الخيول على الانترنت This type of research is descriptive research, the data used is secondary data from various books, journals, mass media, the internet and sources related to the problems studied. موقع كرة The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis. راموس لاعب ريال مدريد This research shows that the implementation of Denmark’s energy security policy has changed due to issues that threaten its energy security, starting from the 1973 oil crisis which was very influential in changing energy policy, and the problem of domestic energy production which is not sufficient to meet domestic energy needs, make Denmark change its energy security policy. policy that is done is with energy saving, diversify energy sources and added the use of renewable energy in Denmark. The goal is to create an independent energy source and starting to make changes from fossil energy to renewable energy.
  • Kata kunci (max. 80 huruf atau 10 kata): policy, Indonesia, energy security
  • NIM: 1302045244
  • Angkatan (tahun masuk, mis. 2009): 2013
  • Program Studi: Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Sumber tulisan: Skripsi
  • Pembimbing: Uni W. Sagena, S.IP, M.Si, Ph.D dan Rendy Wirawan, S.IP, MIR
  • Nama eJournal: eJournal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Volume: 9
  • Nomor: 1
  • Tahun: 2020
  • File artikel eJournal (format .doc, max. 2 Mb): 16. 1302045244-Angga Dwi Saputra
  • File artikel eJournal (format .PDF, max. 5 Mb): 16. 1302045244-Angga Dwi Saputra


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