eJournal Hubungan Internasional

Fisip Universitas Mulawarman

Kebijakan Near Abroad Rusia di Kawasan Asia Tengah Tahun 2000-2011) (Nina Rachmawati)

Submitted by: rachmawati, nina
On: Nov 20, 2013 @ 7:23 AM

  • Judul artikel eJournal: Kebijakan Near Abroad Rusia di Kawasan Asia Tengah Tahun 2000-2011)
  • Pengarang (nama mhs): Nina Rachmawati
  • Abstrak (max. 1600 huruf atau 250 kata): Under the leadership of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, Near abroad policy in Central Asia is conducted by the economic cooperation in the energy sector, trade and security cooperation. In its implementation, this policy is intended to achieve the interests of Russia that influence by historical and cultural factors, economic factors and political factors. For historical and cultural factors Russian policy in Central Asia is influenced by the glory of the past (past empire and the Soviet Union). Economic factors are influenced by developments in the economy domestic and the economic interests of particular importance in the energy sector. And political factors influenced by the interests of maintaining and expanding influence in the region.
  • Kata kunci (max. 80 huruf atau 10 kata): Russia, Near Abroad Policy, Central Asia
  • NIM: 0802045174
  • Angkatan (tahun masuk, mis. 2009): 2008
  • Program Studi: Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Sumber tulisan: Skripsi
  • Pembimbing: Aisyah, S.IP, M.A dan Frentika Wahyu R, S.IP. M.A
  • Nama eJournal: eJournal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Volume: 1
  • Nomor: 4
  • Tahun: 2013
  • File artikel eJournal (format .doc, max. 2 Mb):
  • File artikel eJournal (format .PDF, max. 5 Mb): eJurnal Nina Rachmawati (11-20-13-07-23-37).pdf (70 kB)


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