eJournal Hubungan Internasional

Fisip Universitas Mulawarman

Diplomasi Budaya Indonesia Di Korea Selatan Melalui Program Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) Tahun 2021-2022 (Firda Iriani)

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On: Jul 26, 2023 @ 6:30 AM

  • Judul artikel eJournal: Diplomasi Budaya Indonesia Di Korea Selatan Melalui Program Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) Tahun 2021-2022
  • Pengarang (nama mhs): Firda Iriani
  • Abstrak (max. 1600 huruf atau 250 kata): The BIPA program is an Indonesian language teaching program for foreign people both at domestic and aboard under Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, ministry of education and culture. The aim of this program in general is to increase cooperation between countries and in particular to internationalize the Indonesian language. There are approximately 36 countries that have implemented this program one of which is South Korea. The result of this research shows that culture diplomacy through the BIPA program is quite good with data showing continued increases in the number of students, programs that are run sustainably, and have an impact on Indonesia’s interests in the economic, social and culture fields.This article aims to explain and analyze how Indonesian Culture Diplomacy in South Korea through the Indonesian Language Program for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) in 2021-2022. The method of this research is descriptive analyitical research with qualitative technical analysis, using secondary data. The concep used to research is the culture diplomacy.
  • Kata kunci (max. 80 huruf atau 10 kata): BIPA, Culture diplomacy, Social and cultural economic interests, Indonesian, Sou
  • NIM: 1802045008
  • Angkatan (tahun masuk, mis. 2009): 2018
  • Program Studi: Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Sumber tulisan: Skripsi
  • Pembimbing: Dr. Yayuk Anggraini, S.IP, M.Si
  • Nama eJournal: eJournal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Volume: 11
  • Nomor: 3
  • Tahun: 2023
  • File artikel eJournal (format .doc, max. 2 Mb): eJournal_Firda Iriani_1802045008 (07-26-23-06-30-18).doc (138 kB)
  • File artikel eJournal (format .PDF, max. 5 Mb): eJournal_Firda Iriani_1802045008 (07-26-23-06-30-18).pdf (510 kB)


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