eJournal Hubungan Internasional

Fisip Universitas Mulawarman

Kerjasama Militer Rusia-Perancis Pasca Penerapan Sanksi Uni Eropa Terkait Krisis di Crimea (Mareta Arin Dany)

Submitted by: Dany, Mareta Arin
On: Jan 19, 2017 @ 5:52 AM

  • Judul artikel eJournal: Kerjasama Militer Rusia-Perancis Pasca Penerapan Sanksi Uni Eropa Terkait Krisis di Crimea
  • Pengarang (nama mhs): Mareta Arin Dany
  • Abstrak (max. 1600 huruf atau 250 kata): This study aims to explain the continuation of military cooperation between Russia and France after the application of EU sanctions against Russia in the Crimean crisis. This type of research is descriptive analysis, technique of data analyze is qualitative and use secondary data from the internet and library research. The problem would be analysed by neoliberalism and economic sanctions concept. The results of this study showed that the sanctions received by Russia for its military intervention in Crimea crisis had an impact on military cooperation between Russia and France. However, it is not possible that there will be no more military cooperation that exists between Russia and France. An export ban and assets freeze sanctions that imposed on Russia looks not influential enough for Russia and France, because both of them trying to re-establish good relations in military cooperation. It can be seen from Russia that offers back military ties to France although Russia is still below the EU sanctions.
  • Kata kunci (max. 80 huruf atau 10 kata): Military Cooperation, EU Sanctions, Russia, France
  • NIM: 1202045068
  • Angkatan (tahun masuk, mis. 2009): 2012
  • Program Studi: Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Sumber tulisan: Skripsi
  • Pembimbing: Yuniarti, S.IP, M.Si / Rahmah Daniah, S.IP, M.Si
  • Nama eJournal: eJournal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Volume: 5
  • Nomor: 1
  • Tahun: 2017
  • File artikel eJournal (format .doc, max. 2 Mb): Jurnal- Mareta Arin Dany 1202045068 (01-19-17-05-52-34).docx (83 kB)
  • File artikel eJournal (format .PDF, max. 5 Mb): Jurnal- Mareta Arin Dany 1202045068 (01-19-17-05-52-34).pdf (257 kB)


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